Design tips for non-designers



I work with many small businesses and charities. My clients are expected to wear multiple hats; from their actual job, to marketing expert all in one day. To help I started compiling graphic and marketing design tips to share with them. Please find below my #designtips for non-designers and beginners.


If you have any design tips you would like me to write about please email 



Follow me on Instagram or Linkedin.


Sign up to #designtips to receive design, marketing and social media advice straight to your inbox.


DesignChats is changing for 2024. I will be offering Workshops every couple of months for business owners and team leaders to support them on different areas of their business.

This new model started in December 2023 working with business on exploring their Brand Experience and what they could do for 2024. Upcoming workshops will include website user experience, improving your sales funnel, and social media strategies.

A few free places will be available each time so keep your eye out!

Future Fixers

The Good Business Drops-ins are back.

A range of advisors, including me, are available the third Tuesday of every month at Kendal Town Hall from 8am til 12noon. You can find out more on the Future Fixers website »